Thursday 8 May 2008

More bulbs than Blackpool Illuminations!

You know when you just keep putting a job off, and then eventually your hand is forced and you really have to get on with it. Well, that's just about to happen.

The job in question is my flower bed/border that I keep threatening to create in the garden.

Tonight I got in from work and we'd had a delivery of some bits I'd ordered from J Parkers:

100 Sparaxis (Harlequin Flowers) bulbs
6 Red Hot Pokers
1 Viburnum Opulus (Snowball Bush)
and 10 Short Stemmed Lillies - which were free

I planted them all in trays/tubs just until I've got this bed dug/created. Add to that lot the Gladioli and other seedlings and bulbs I've got and I reckon my bed'll be pretty full. Well, it may new be pretty, but I'm new to all this flower mallarky, so give me a break.

Here's tonights efforts:

Sparaxis (granted you cant really see anything, but trust me there's two bulbs per pot:

Plonked the Red Hot Pokers and Short Stemmed Lillies in the same tray - individual pots obviously!

Finally the viburnum:

Or Twigburnum as I like to call it. It needs moving, but until I can buy a bigger pot tomorrow, it'll have to do.

Another purchase we made (well, LadyWayne actually) was a Monkey Puzzle tree. We've both wanted one for ages, so LadyWayne went online and picked up a small tree. Well, I say tree....

The Blauhilde Beans, Negritos Dwarf French Beans and squash that I planted a little while ago have started to grow, quite quickly too:

I've not had much success with chillis and tomatoes - a combination of impatience (planting them too early) and laziness (not bringing them in of a night) has probably been my downfall. Some are now growing, but the chillies seem to have "curly" leaves, not quite sure why, but here's what they look like.

I also finally have a tomato plant that starting to look like a tomato plant!

It's one of the Golden Sunrise that a friend of mine, Flummery kindly donated to me (look ma, doing alright innit?)

Whilst potting on and sowing in the shed one tends to notice the wildlife, and with the mice (which I'm now "managing") I also had a wasp making it's home in my shed. I'd never seen a nest up close, let a lone one during construction.

And it would appear that I've had a few spiders nesting in there too - there are teenie weenie baby spiders on all the windows. I shan't bore you with all the photos, but you get the Ok, here's one then.

Well, that's me for another night. I might get down to the plot tomorrow night to water the plants again - the only drawback with this great weather we've been having!



Kath said...

Keep your Monkey Puzzle in a big pot. They get to about 100ft in old money! Scarey?

Well done on the Golden Sunrise. Hope they taste good.


HayWayne said...

Intention is to plant the monkey puzzle out the front - it should be ok there.

They're slow growers, so we should be for a while yet.

Cheers Flum.