Wednesday, 11 June 2008


Just a quickie.

Went to the plot last night, just to water and check up on things. Found two more ladybirds - great news, but slightly more exciting was the apple tree. It's covered in baby apples!!!

Now, I'm pretty sure that from memnory they are "eating" apples - of the 5 the tree produced last year I think we ate 3.

So, my next task is to work out what the hell to do with all these apples. Apple pies, apple sauces, chutneys, jams (?) ideas on email to:.....

Whilst on the plot, met up with a mate and swapped plants, he gave me some broccoli in return for some of my spare Sparaxis (Harlequin flowers). Then stopped of on the way home for a jar or two of fine ale.

Now the weather's turning - so they say...


Anonymous said...

I've tagged you on Courgettes and Fennel! Would you mind blogging six random things about yourself?

Matron said...

It's great to see ladybirds isn't it? I usually transplant them to any of my plants which are covered in greenfly! You can even buy ladybirds in the post nowadays!

Charlotte said...

Apple crumble! Dead easy!