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How's this for a corner!?

Just a dude tryin to grow veg
How's this for a corner!?
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Well, the weekend was spent on the allotment, finishing off the anti-rabbit fencing. Saturday morning the brother-in-law and I arrived on the plot at 7:30 in the hope of beating the mid-day heat. By 9 o'clock the temperature had already reached 19c (66f in old money)!! We dug out a trench along one side and part way along the back by about 10am (at which time I lost the aid of aforementioned brother-in-law to a prior engagement). A foot deep and about the same wide, this would take the mesh later.
My Dad turned up at about 12 and we continued around the rest of the plot, digging the trench until about 5:30 and getting everything ready for the mesh.
Sunday morning my Dad and I arrived on the plot and started attaching the mesh to the fence posts. The weather was a little more forgiving today. The bottom foot or so of the mesh was buried in the trench and then compacted down with a sledgehammer.
One tip: If you're using a 50m roll of chicken wire, make sure you have a pole or something to go through the centre of the roll to make it easier to move along as you go.
Anyhoo, we put the mesh in place, filled in the trench and then put "bull wire" along the top to keep the mesh from sagging, pulling it tight as we went to make sure everything looked neat and tidy.
The finale, was attaching the gate. But, before we could do that we had to install a "rabbit not welcome" mat. This was simply lifting the turf under the gate, laying a "mat" of chicken wire underneath and then replacing the turf on top.
Gate was then installed, fence posts were touched up with a final bit of paint and we went home.
I'll take some photos of the fence tonight - I was too busy during the weekend to even notice that I had been burnt to a crisp, let alone taking snaps as I went.
Needless to say, I am really happy with the fence - fellow plot holders commented "that looks like it's going to be there for some time" and "that is a text-book fence", which made me really proud.
If any rabbits get in now, then they deserve a bite to eat at least.
Now for the pigeons....
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Now obviously, they weren't in the basket, but this is the result of two plants. There were some really small spuds too, but I discarded them. Looks like we're having spuds for dinner tonight!
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A friend of mine gave me some cucumbers and runner beans today, hopefully the cucumbers will do a little better than the last attempt. I am hoping to get a lot of the plot fenced in tomorrow with the help of my Pops. Bearer beams from work, all free and plentiful - what more could I ask. I'll take some progress shots as we go along - watch this space. I'll be rabbit-free in no time with a bit of luck!
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